Saturday, November 27, 2021

Spänningsromanen REX OMEGA - recensioner sökes

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Thursday, November 25, 2021

Book Review: I, ROBOT by Isaac Asimov

Book review:
I, ROBOT (1950) by Isaac Asimov

An enormously influential classic.

This book is a collection of short stories published between 1940 and 1950, connected by the common theme of how intelligent, benevolent robots enter human society and gradually gain more influence. .

In these early robot stories, Asimov introduced the Three Robot Laws - a programming which (presumably) prevents robots from becoming a menace. The Three Laws have since become a common trope in the SF genre. .

You can read I, ROBOT mainly as a series of detective stories where the prime suspects are robots, and the human investigators must figure out the logical explanation of a robot "malfunction."

These robot mysteries are entertaining, but seem rather simplistic today. (And the depiction of female characters have in some cases aged badly.)

I enjoyed I, ROBOT when I was a kid. I've been asking myself: is it "relevant" today? Perhaps, because robots really are starting to enter our daily lives -
 though not quite in the way Asimov imagined in the 1940s.

One issue I have with the robots depicted in I, ROBOT is that they are just too flawless to be believable. This has become much more glaring after the year 2000, when real nanocomputers, "expert systems" and self-driving vehicles are being developed.

We can see clearly now that in the real world such machines would "fail" a lot more than the author allowed them to do. The complexity of the real world could frequently overwhelm even the most "logical" robot. (Don't get me started on how an Asimovian robot might handle the infamous "Trolley Problem"!)

Recommended only as light entertainment from the days of old, but should not be taken seriously now.

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Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Allt vad jag har skrivit genom åren (uppdatering)...

Jag har skrivit historier sedan jag gick i skolan. Jag började med noveller, och det tog lång tid innan jag var redo att skriva en hel roman.

Sedan 2004 har olika förlag gett ut mina romaner och antologier/tidskrifter där mina noveller ingår.

Om vi inte inkluderar böcker/noveller som jag har gett ut på egen hand (eller enbart lagt ut på min webbsajt), så är dessa titlar som följer:

Romaner (finns på biblioteket eller på

  • Terra Hexa (Wela Förlag, 2004) 
  • Terra Hexa II (Wela Förlag, 2006)
  • Terra Hexa 3 (Wela Förlag, 2007)
  • Supermobilen (Wela Förlag, 2011)
  • Sagopyjamasen (Wela Förlag, 2012)
  • Vaernen den fördömde (Wela Förlag, 2012)
  • Hundra tusen pirater (Wela Förlag, 2013)
  • Darc Ages - De mörka tidevarven - Första boken: Uppvaknandet (Wela Förlag, 2016)
  • Darc Ages - De mörka tidevarven - Andra boken: Ödemarkens barn (Wela Förlag, 2016)
  • Darc Ages - De mörka tidevarven - Tredje boken: Slaget om framtiden (Wela Förlag, 2016)
  • Monster i massor (Wela Förlag, 2016)
  • Darc Ages - De mörka tidevarven - Fjärde boken: Maskernas stad (Wela Förlag, 2017)

    OBS: Hela katalogen med mina boktitlar på Wela Förlag har getts ut på nytt av Saga Egmont i år 2021.

  • Rex Omega (TiraTiger Förlag, 2019)
  • Blod & svin (Saga Egmont Förlag, 2021)

    Publicerade noveller/långnoveller 
    (OBS: Denna lista är ofullständig):
    1. "Grisham's World" (Denna satiriska novell om ett samhälle styrt av advokater publicerades i tidskriften The #12 Gauge Review)

    2. "Custom Job"
    3. "I Feel Super, Thanks For Asking"
    4. "By the Nose"
    5. "The War"("Kriget")
    6. "Sins of Our Fathers"
    7. "Physical Terror"("Fruktans fysik")
    8. "The Face In the Door"
    9. "K.C. And the Sunshine World"
    10. "See"(i en kinesisk SF-tidskrift)
    11. "Lonely Planets"
    12. "A Funny Thing Happened On the Way To Valhalla"
    13. "Telephone Conversations" ("Telefonsamtal")
    14. "Landscape With Sententers" ("Landskap med sententrer")
    15. "Nightmare Number Six"
    16. "Mannen som föll ut"
    17. "Quadrillennium" ("Quadrillennium")
    18. "Super-Size Security"(I det brittiska skräckmagasinet Murky Depths)
    19. "Stupid!" (i en kinesisk SF-tidskrift)
    20. "6 superkorta"
    21. "Insider" ("Insider")
    22. "Serverad"
    23. "Avagana"
    24. "Historien om P"
    25. "A Man Called Mister Brown" (in
    Min egenutgivning finns på Amazon, liksom alla boktitlar utgivna på Saga Egmont förlag.

    Wednesday, November 17, 2021


    A collection of space opera, pastiche, short shockers and humorous tales. Available in paperback & ebook format.

    Read a sample here:

    Book Review: THE ROT by Siri Pettersen

    Book review:

    THE ROT (2014) by Siri Pettersen (Book 2 of the RAVEN RINGS trilogy)

    (Original title: RÅTA)

    I have read the original Norwegian edition of Book 1 in this series (see my review of it HERE) .... and it was so good, I felt compelled to read Book 2 as well.

    Instead of spoiling the plot – which moves very rapidly, almost like a thriller with fantasy elements – let's focus on what's going on underneath the surface.

    So: what is THE ROT ”about?”

    I would say it is mainly about the protagonist Hirka maturing. She goes from merely surviving and being hunted to actually taking charge - and in the process of maturing, she ”gets her hands dirty.”

    She has to fight, kill, deceive, make hard choices, think ahead, accept unpleasant truths about others and herself, and figure out what she really wants. She realizes that the line between good and evil is not always easy to see, that people are complicated, emotions are messy, and she comes to seriously doubt what she knows.

    These are all good metaphors for coming to terms with adult life.

    Another major theme is confronting the ”alien”
    - for example, strange beings that are thousands of years old and may be impossible to understand. But also when Hirka visits our ”real world” and experiences it as alien, afflicted with some deep sickness or lack.

    There's also an interesting subtext about religion in THE ROT that I don't want to spoil by telling too much. Suffice to say, quite a lot is going on between the lines there.

    The only part of THE ROT I struggled with was how the magical qualities of the fantasy world related to the ”real world” that Hirka entered. Why precisely was there less magic in the ”real world” than in the fantasy world she left behind? I wish that part had been a bit easier to follow (but then, I'm not used to reading modern fantasy literature).

    This is obviously the second part in a trilogy, and with that comes typical ”middle-of-the-story” issues. You have to have read Book 1 first to make sense of Book 2, and you are expected to read Book 3 afterwards.

    THE ROT reads like a tense ”urban fantasy” thriller with many surprises and plot twists. It gets quite dark and violent – but definitely not boring.

    I wholeheartedly recommend THE ROT - if you have read the first book in the series. (I will have to read Book 3 to see how the story works out...)

    #bookstagram #bookreview #bookreviews #bookbloggers #bookcover #fantasy #siripettersen #fantasybooks #bookseries #ravenrings #ravneringene